DaggSound Audio entertainment for quiet listening
Victorian Ghost Stories

"The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth"  by Rhoda Broughton  (28:37 )

read by Megan Murphy Lindquist and Cheryl Metzger 


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      London matron Elizabeth DeWynt has gone to tremendous trouble to find a suitable house in London for her young friend, Cecelia Montresor, and her family.  The result is a marvelous house at an astonishingly low rent. 

      The Montresor family moves in, only to find their domestic tranquility is short-lived when the servants begin to report the strange rumors that circulate about 32 Curzon Street.

The files will open and play in a new window or tab. 

Part One: 11:14  download 10.8 MB

Part Two: 17:23 download 16.7 MB

Readers: Megan Murphy Lindquist, Cheryl Metzger
Bach Two-Part Inventions, realized electronically.

Creative Commons License
DaggSound Victorian Ghost Stories by LeRoy Dagg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.