DaggSound Audio entertainment for quiet listening
Victorian Ghost Stories
"Canon Alberic's Scrap-book" by M. R. James  (30:58)
read by LeRoy Dagg


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     A Cambridge man visits a renowned church in a French village, where the eccentric little old sacristan seems to be continually looking back over his own shoulder.  When the little man offers to sell him a unique religious book for an astonishingly low price, it is impossible to pass up.  The sacristan appears to be remarkably relieved to have the book taken off his hands, but the new owner has an uneasy sense that someone, or something, is lurking behind him.
The files will open and play in a new tab or page.
Part 1 (12:00)  download (mp3 - 20.8MB)
Part 2 (10:58)  download (mp3 - 19.13MB)
Part 3  (7:55)   download (mp3 - 13.5MB)

LeRoy Dagg
Music: "Valse Brillante in D Minor" (Frederick Chopin) realized electronically.

Creative Commons License
DaggSound Victorian Ghost Stories by LeRoy Dagg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.