DaggSound Audio entertainment for quiet listening
Victorian Ghost Stories

"John Charrington's Wedding"  by Edith Nesbit (19:21)

read by David Weyhrauch


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    The narrator tells of his remarkable friend, John Charrington, a young man whose desires always have "a queer way of coming to pass."  Charrington is determined to marry May Forster, the local belle with whom all the fellows are in love.  The wedding is imminent, but Charrington insists on a last minute trip to visit his dying godfather, and then appears to miss the last train home.
     If so, who is the strange figure who walks so silently from the church with May?
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  Part 1  (7:39)  download (mp3 - 14.3MB)
  Part 2 (11:40) download (mp3 - 22.4MB) 

David Weyhrauch
Music: "Spoon River"
(Percy Aldridge Grainger) played by David Weyhrauch.

Creative Commons License
DaggSound Victorian Ghost Stories by LeRoy Dagg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.